Tuesday, May 2, 2017


বোঝাকে আমি দু’ভাগে ভাগ করে থাকি।
১। ইংরেজী পড়ে বোঝা, ও
২। IELTS এর রিডিং পড়ে বোঝা।
অনেকে আমাকে বলে থাকে সেটি আবার কি? আবার কেউ কেউ বলে আমি নাকি বিশেষ কোন রুল তৈরী করছি। আসলেই তাই। ইংরেজী পড়ে বোঝা এক জিনিষ আর IELTS পড়ে বোঝা আরেক জিনিষ। সেটা কেমন? ইংরেজী আমরা কে না বুঝি? আপনিও বোঝেন, আমিও বুঝি।

†gvUvgywU mevB eywS wKš‘ hw` ejv nq g¨vK‡e‡_i 32 c„ôvi 4_© jvBb Øviv wK †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q Z‡e Zj‡c‡U Pvc m„wó nIqv ¯^vfvweK e¨cvi| Kvib `yÕwUt g¨vK‡e_ Avgiv †Zgb cwowb Ges co‡jI eyS‡ev wKbv m‡›`n| wKš‘ AvR‡Ki The Daily Star cwÎKvi cÖ_g †c‡Ri †nwWs †`‡LB Avcwb e‡j w`‡Z cvi‡jb wK ejv n‡q‡Q| Kvib? Kvib Lye mn‡RB Avcwb ai‡Z cvi‡Qb †nwW‡O ejv n‡q‡Q †fvU KviPzwci K_v ‡Kbbv MZKvjB cwÎKvq Gme K_v G‡m‡Q, AvRI Avm‡e †mUvB ¯^vfvweK|
GUvB n‡jv Avmj| GKUv †jLv †`‡L Avcwb `yB `yB Pvi wgwj‡q †dj‡Qb, Ges Av‡iKUv †jLv †`‡L g‡b n‡e †hb Avcwb AvKvk †_‡K GBgvÎ co‡jb| wb‡Pi K‡qKwU evK¨ †`Lybt
Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla calendar, was celebrated across the country on Thursday amid traditional festivities and enthusiasm, remembering the roots the nation has sprung from, reports UNB.
The festivities began at dawn with the artistes from Chhayanaut welcoming the day with Tagore’s famous song ‘Esho hey Baishakh, esho, esho (come O Baishakh, come, come)’ under the banyan tree at Ramna Park.
Avn wK kvwšÍ! ˆekvL‡K AveviI g‡b c‡o †Mj| Avcwb P‡j †M‡jb Avb›`gq GKwU w`‡b †hw`b eÜz‡`i mv‡_ K‡ZvB bv Avb›` K‡i‡Qb| Lye mn‡RB Dc‡ii c¨vivMÖvd`ywU c‡o ey‡S †dj‡jb wK ej‡Z †P‡q‡Qb †jLK| Kvib †jLK evOvjx Ges wZwb evsjv‡`kx G·‡cÖkb G wj‡L‡Qb| wKš‘ wb‡Pi c¨vivMÖvd †`Lybt
A growing number of people feel very unlikely and they look from a different perspective. So they argue and exemplify animals that benefit us in many ways should not be exploited by people either for cultivation or taking care of our abode and that they should have the same rights as humans, while on the other hand, self-centered people argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research. Discuss the arguments in favour of both these positions and state your own position on the issue.

Dc‡ii c¨vivMÖvdUv evievi co‡Z n‡”Q Kvib Gi evK¨¸‡jv GKUz c¨uvPv‡jv g‡b n‡”Q Ges †fvKveyjvix¸‡jv †ek KwVb e‡j g‡b n‡”Q| †nZz Gi †jLK evOvjx bq Ges Zvi `„wófw½ wfbœgvÎvi| Avi IELTS G Ggb c¨vivMÖvdB Avmv ¯^vfvweK|
Zvn‡j wK Ki‡ev? IELTS G wK fv‡jv †iRvë Ki‡Z cvi‡evbv? Aek¨B cvi‡eb| Avgvi GB eø‡Mi ïiæ †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ c‡o hvb Ges Abykxjb Kiæb| Avwg wbwðZfv‡e ej‡Z cvwi Avcwb mdj n‡ebB|


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