IELTS এর reading chapter এর নির্দিষ্ট কিছু প্রশ্নের ধারা আছে। আগেই বলেছি reading এ আপনাকে তিনটি passage দেয়া হবে। প্রতিটি passage এর আলাদা ধরনের প্রশ্ন থাকবে।
নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো একটু ভালোভাবে দেখুন:
১. Overview questions
এই অংশে আপনার passage এর প্রতিটি paragraph এর জন্য একটি করে heading থাকবে। এর মধ্যে থেকে আপনাকে পছন্দ করে নিতে হবে কোন heading কোন paragraph এর জন্য মানানসই। প্রতিটি passage এর জন্য একটি কওে heading থাকবে। একটি heading বাড়তি থাকতে । নিচের উদাহরনগুলো খেয়াল করুন:
A The
science fiction city of the future- Le Corbusier’s grand schemes, or Niemeyer’s
Brasilia- seems ever less likely to replace our decaying cities and sprawling
slums. A few new open field towns may be built as satellites to our biggest
cities to fulfill this dream but will not house the urban poor. The new urban
strategies are aimed at mobilising local communities and stretching scarce
resources to cope with massive problems.
B the massive
slum clearance and building boom of the 60s and 70s are over and reaction has
set in.
C community involvement and leadership are
critical… Encouraging a dialogue between city officials and shantytown dwellers
can produce more effective initiative than top- down planning.
D Current thinking aims at providing incentives
to employers, through aid and technical advice, and the provision of small
E The
World Bank has funded improvement schemes worldwide. In the last decade sites
and services scheme have concentrated on providing water, sanitation, street
foundations and power, but left construction of housing to individual
F whenever city- ward migrations have reached
unusual proportions, conventional housing and infrastructure services have been
hard-pressed to cope.
So there is always a way to produce a better solution by developing the four
essential topic to strenghthen the infrastructure.
এবার নিচের heading গুলো থেকে আপনাকে কিছু heading পছন্দ করতে হবে যা উপরের A-F পর্যন্ত passage এর জন্য মানানসই।
Accommodating newcomers
World Bank efforts
Community participation
Upgrading housing
Community leaders
Better infrastructure
Getting business involved
New regeneration strategies
Gai‡bi cÖkœwU _vK‡e Ggb:
From the following list of headings, choose the most suitable heading
for sections.
The following reading passage has ----- sections. Choose the most suitable
heading for the sections from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate
numbers( )in boxes on your answer sheet.
GB As‡k cÖkœ n‡q _v‡K K‡qK cÖKvi| †hgb:
1| Multiple choice questions
2| Short answer
3| Completing sentences
4| Matching list of items
5| Classifying items
6| Matching information in the
Multiple choice questions
GB cÖkœwU nq Ggb:
Choose the appropriate letter A-D
to answer questions 1-4
1. Why
slums became threats for our future
They prevent us to establish new cities.
They help us by giving bad ideas.
They can’t cope with easy-going city people.
They always destroy magnificent buildings.
2. More
effective initiative than top- down planning is-
A. To
face each other
B. Not
to neglect work for future
C. To
talk about development between slum dwellers and high officers
D. To
create a critical leadership
Who is left to think construction of houses?
The World Bank
The house owners
Shantytown dwellers
Why infrastructure is hard pressed to cope?
Government don’t know how to cope
The city becomes hard pressed
Infrastructure is built in a fragile manner
The rush towards the city became so huge
Dc‡ii cÖkœ¸wj †_‡K Avcbv‡K GKwU gvÎ cª†kœ wUK wPý w`‡Z n‡e|
Zvici †mwU‡K Avcbvi G¨vbmvi †ccvi- G
Zzj‡Z n‡e|
Short answer
GB ai‡bi cÖ‡kœ Avcbv‡K †QvU †QvU cÖ‡kœi
DËi w`‡Z n‡e| GB cÖkœ¸wji DËiI n‡e †QvU †QvU, Ges wZbwU k‡ãi g‡a¨ Avcbv‡K DËi
w`‡Z n‡e| cÖkœwU Ggb n‡e:
Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, answer the following questions according to
the passage.
What satellites stand for?
When did slum
clearance take place?
What types of incentives are aimed to be given to the
4 What The World Bank has not yet thought to fund?
Completing sentences
GB As‡k Avcbv‡K GKwU sentence Gi †kl
AskUzKz cyib Ki‡Z n‡e| GwUi cÖkœwU n‡e Ggb: Complete the sentence below with words taken from the reading passage. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Dc‡ii cÖkœwUi A_© n‡jv Avcbv‡K g~j Passage wU †_‡K m‡e©v”P wZb k‡ãi GKwU phrase †e‡Q wb‡q Am¤úyb© evK¨wU cyib Ki‡Z n‡e| ¯§ib ivL‡eb †h k㸇jv w`‡q Avcwb wb‡Pi k~b¨¯’vb cyib Ki‡eb Zv †hb reading passage Gi g‡a¨ _v‡K| ‡hgb, wb‡Pi D`vnib¸‡jv †Lqvj Ki“b|
1 The new urban strategies are intended to gather…3…
2 At present some benefits are given to …4…
3 The city going mentality has become…5…
4 The sites and services scheme have concentrated on water,
sanitation, street foundation and power in the…6…
Matching list of items
GB As‡k Avcbv‡K GKwU sentence ‡K Ab¨
GKwU sentence Gi mv‡_ †gjv‡Z n‡e| GwUi cÖkœwU n‡e Ggb:
Look at the following lists of CAUSES, A-D and EFFECTS, questions 1-4. Match each EFFECT with its CAUSE.
Choose ONE phrase A- G from the box to complete each of the following key points. Write the appropriate letters A-G in boxes 34-39 on your answer sheet.
Dc‡ii cÖ_g cÖ‡kœ Avcbv‡K GKUv sentence Gi cause Gi mv‡_ GKUv sentence Gi effect ‡gjv‡Z n‡e| A_©vr cÖwZwU Kvi‡bi djvdj wK n‡Z cv‡I Zv PvIqv n‡”Q Avcbvi KvQ †_‡K| wØZxq cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q GKwU sentence Gi mv‡_ Ab¨ Av‡iKwU sentence †K †gjv‡Z|
1 Matching cause
and effect.
1. May be more effective
2. Put the services in high
3. That left indivisual
constructions of houses.
4. May not fulfil the dream of
urban poor.
A. Building satellites in
biggest cities
B. Huge entrance of people to
C. Talk between officials and
D. The World Band funded only
some sectors.
A I don’t want to live
in a city. Perhaps we divide naturally into two types: those for whom cities
are vibrant and exciting, a focus for human activity; and those for whom they
are dirty, noisy, and dangerous. It may be unfashionable, but I’m in the latter
camp. I do not believe that we are a species whose behaviour improves in overcrowded
B A new study proposes a
significant increase in the capacity of towns and cities through a combination
of increased housing densities lower on-plot provision for cars and more on
street parking and the re-use of marginal open space that is ‘devoid of any
amenity value.’ The benefit of
this approach is to reduce the loss of green fields and to help move
towards more sustainable patterns of development.
C This study suggest
that it would be possible to achieve a 25% increase in density in a typical
provincial city without changing the traditional street scene, although it
would be necessary to reduce the size of the houses and substitute parking
spaces for garages. Therefore, the cost of this approach is to have more people
living in smaller homes at higher densities, along streets that are lined with
parked cars. Can we really accept the notion that space within dwellings may be
reduced even further? In times when, we are told, living standards are rising
in real terms, is it realistic to seek to reduce personal space standards?
D The streets of many
inner suburbs are already lined with cars on both sides, reducing movement to a
single lane. Increasing densities means accepting urban streets that are
designed as linear car parks, bounded by even smaller living units and tempered
only by occasional trees sprouting from the tarmac. Would the benefits of
higher density be worth the disadvantages of increasing of-streets parking? Can
we achieve a satisfactory visual environment from such raw materials? Higher
urban densities may be communally
good for us, but they will fail to meet the aspirations of many prospective
home owners.
E Those without economic
choice can be directed to live in this way, but if we are to continue to rely
on the private sector to produce this urban housing, it will need to appeal to
the private developers’ customers. Who will choose to live in these
high-density developments of small dwellings, with minimal open space and a
chance to park on the highway if you are lucky enough to find a space? The main
consumers will be single people, couples without children, and perhaps some
‘empty nesters’ (people whose children have grown up and left home). These are
people who can choose to spend much of their time outside their home, making
the most of those urban cultural opportunities or getting away at weekends to a
country cottage or sporting activities.
cÖ_gwUi g‡Zv GwUI `ywU sentence G wef³,
Avcbv‡K BÝUªvKkb g‡Zv g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q †`L‡Z n‡e †KvbwU †Kvb sentence Gi mv‡_
†g‡j| wb‡Pi instruction wU Avevi †Lqvj Ki“b Zvici solve Kivi †Póv
Ki“b problem.
Choose ONE phrase
A-G from the box to complete each
of the following key points. Write the appropriate letters A-G in
boxes 34-39 on your answer sheet
Example answer
will be more green space B
Gevi Avcwb cÖ_gwUi g‡Zv K‡I `ywU sentence
2. Now choose one phrase and match the other.
34 Residential
density in cities will be increased…
35 There
are two types of…
36 There
are three types of…
37 Developers
are unlikely to build houses…
38 Planners
might try to dictate…
39 Many
people will not be happy…
A people likely to want to live
in high-density accommodation.
B living in higher density
C if houses are built smaller.
D where old people should
E if residential density in
cities is increased
F where people do not want to
F where people do not want to
G attitude towards city
34 Residential density in cities will be
C if houses are built smaller.
wg‡j hv‡”Q ZvB
DËi n‡e: Answer
density in cities will be increased
Ab¨¸‡jv wb‡R ey‡S Kivi †Póv Ki“b|
Classifying Items
GB As‡k Avcbv‡K cÖvq Dc‡ii g‡Zv `ywU
As‡ki word/ group of words GKwÎZ Ki‡Z n‡e| words ev group
of words ¸wji
GKwU K‡I initial ev cÖ_g A¶iwU †`qv _vK‡e| ‡mB initial ¸wj
Avcbv‡K emv‡Z n‡e wVK Zvi wb‡P †jLv wKQy word/ group of words Gi mv‡_ wgwj‡q|
C City residence
S Suburb lanes
Write the appropriate letters in boxes 7-11 on your answer sheet.
7. Reduce the loss of green fields
8. Smaller homes at higher densities
9. Reducing movement to a single lane
10. A chance to park on the highway
11. A new study suggests an important increase
Dc‡ii GRvZxq exercise Gi Rb¨
cÖ‡kœi aibwU nq Ggb:
Write the appropriate letters in boxes 7-11 on your answer sheet.
From parts 1 and 2 of the reading, say which
of the following … ev,
Classify the…. as associated with: ev,
Classify the following as belonging to:
GB exercise wU Avcwb
Ki‡eb Z‡e g‡b ivL‡eb †h `ywU (D`vnib wnmv‡e cÖ‡`q) initial hy³ kã
†`qv n‡q‡Q †mLv‡b `ywU bv n‡q wZbwU, PviwU ev cuvPwU kã ev kã mgwóI _vK‡Z cv‡i ( †hgb :C City residence I S Suburb
GB kã ev kã mgwó Avcwb Zvi wb‡P cÖ`Ë jvBb¸wji mv‡_ †gjv‡eb| †hgb:
D`vnib Answer
9. Reducing
movement to a single lane S
8. Smaller homes at higher densities C
9. The
main customers of those small houses will be having small families.
GB As‡k Avcbv‡K view Z_v AwfgZ
Luy‡R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| Gi A_© n‡jv GB †h Avcbv‡K †jL‡Ki g‡bi fve Luy‡R †ei Ki‡Z
n‡e| †ei Ki‡Z n‡e †Kvb Z_¨ passage G †`qv nqwb, †KvbwU †`qv n‡q‡Q| GB
As‡k _vK‡Z cv‡I multiple choice questions I| GB As‡ki cÖkœ nq Ggb:
Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the
Reading Passage?
Yes if the
statement agrees with the writer.
No if the
statement contradicts the writer
Not Given if there is no information
about this in the passage.
Gi A_© n‡jv GB †h, Avcbv‡K †ei Ki‡Z n‡e
†Kvb e³e¨wU passage Gi e³‡e¨I mv‡_ gvbvbmB, †KvbwU gvbvbmB bq, ev passage †`qv
nqwb| †hgb, Dc‡ii passage wU †_‡K K‡qKwU D`vnib †`qv n‡jv|
7. Without changing the
conventional items, the study indicates possibility of recovering some
increments in density.
8. The
writer will like to reside in village.
10. Changeable fittings can be used in those
houses so people can suit their taste.
D`vniY Answer
The writer will like NG
reside in village.
GB As‡k Avcbv‡K †`qv n‡e K‡qK ai‡bi
cÖkœ, †hgb:
wiwWs c¨v‡m‡Ri †Kvb As‡ki mvivsk
mgMÖ c¨v‡m‡Ri mvivsk
wiwWs c¨v‡m‡Ri wKQy †bvU
GwUB cix¶vi †kl cÖkœ| Gi aibwU nq k~b¨¯’vb cyi‡bi g‡Zv| Avcbv‡K GKwU passage
n‡e, G‡Z wKQy k~b¨¯’vb _vK‡e Ges k~b¨¯’vb¸wji G‡KKwU bv¤^vi _vK‡e| GKwU e‡·i
wfZi K‡qKwU kã ‡`qv n‡e Avcbv‡K| †mLvb †_‡K †e‡Q wb‡q Avcbv‡K k~b¨¯’vb cyib
Ki‡Z n‡e| wb‡Pi D`vnib¸wj †`Lyb:
There are two kinds of ----(1)----.
One may like the city and the other may like ----(2)----. Probably human being is a species whose behavior
doesn’t improve in a crowded place. A study shows that, reducing ----(3)---- provisions can make
significant ----(4)---- in the
capacity of towns and cities. This will ----(5)----
the loss of green fields. The result will change the scene in the provincial ----(6)----. In urban street there are ----(7)----problems. This new idea will
----(8)---- the condition.
cÖkœwU GiKgfv‡e †jLv _vK‡e:
Complete the summary of the reading passage / first section of the
passage below. Choose your answers from the box below the summary.
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